Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Mid-Term, Quiz and Additional Lecture Scheduling
Dear Faculty Members,
With the end of the add-drop period, the “Mid-term & Additional Lecture Scheduling” Module on the Student Information System (SIS) is now available for access to schedule midterms, quizzes, and additional lectures. The module allows course instructors to view the availability of the students registered in the course to schedule midterm exams, quizzes, and additional lectures. You can access the module via the “Other Operations” menu.
You may also find below important reminders about examinations, and further user instructions for the module.
- Regardless of a course’s mode of instruction, all mid-terms will be administered face-to-face on campus. Quiz exams can be held online or face-to-face.
- It is mandatory to check student availability before scheduling midterms, quizzes, and additional lectures in the “Mid-term & Additional Lecture Scheduling” module on the SIS.
- Mid-terms, quizzes, and additional lectures can be scheduled from the first day of classes to the last day of classes.
- As the module works on a first-come, first-served basis, it is recommended to schedule as early as possible for courses with multiple branches, for which midterms, quizzes, or additional lectures must be scheduled at a common time.
- We kindly remind you that for students who take classes with overlapping meeting times (time conflicts), the exam can be scheduled for only one of the courses on the same date in the regular class time and room.
- Mid-terms, quizzes, or additional lectures scheduled for weekdays from 08:40 through 18:40 are not subject to any approval mechanism. However, mid-terms, quizzes, or additional lectures scheduled for weekdays after 18:40 or for weekends are subject to the approval of the respective Dean/Director. Requests not approved by the Dean/Director within three days are automatically cancelled by the system, and an email notification is sent to the OzU email of the course instructor via the SIS.
- When scheduling a mid-term or a quiz, the proctoring method must be selected, using the “Medium” box next to “Event Type”. The “Medium” box includes the following options:
- Face to Face
- Online-Respondus LB + Zoom
- Online-Respondus LB + Monitor
- Online-Pearson LB + Monitor
- Online-LMS Browser Security
- Online-Zoom
- Online-Other
For mid-term scheduling rules, please refer to PROS_OH_420_05 Mid-Term Scheduling Procedure, which is available on MyOzU.
Important Reminder:
Changes in the method of instruction may be necessary due to force majeure reasons such as earthquakes, epidemics, and similar events, in line with the directives of the competent public authorities. In such a case, necessary updates will be made promptly and announced to all members of ÖzÜ, particularly through the Student Services and relevant units.
Kind Regards,
Student Services