Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Double Major

Double Major

Major allows undergraduate Özyeğin University students to concurrently study in two different majors to obtain a second degree. Double major procedures are subject to the provisions of YOK’s “Rules and Regulations on the Principles of Transfers between Associate and Bachelor’s Degree Programs at Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Double Minor and Credit Transfers Between Higher Education Institutions” as well as Özyeğin University Directives on Double Majors.
The academic program in which the student was enrolled at time of double major application is called “primary major”, while the second academic program declared by the student is called  “secondary major”.

Application Requirements
Evaluations and Results
Scholarships and Tuition
Double Major Attendance Requirements


Double Major applications are submitted are submitted via the Student Information System (SIS) with a duly completed application form. 

2024-2025 Spring Semester
Double Major Programs
Application and Admission Calendar
First Day of ApplicationsJanuary 06, 2025 Monday at 10:00
Last Day of ApplicationsJanuary 10, 2025 Friday at 15:00
(*) English Proficiency Examination - TRACE (Face-to-Face)
January 03, 2025
Announcement of the Results on the ÖZÜ WebsiteJanuary 24, 2025 Friday, as of 7.00 pm

*According the Article 4 of the following 
Application Requirements, students may take the TRACE examination on the specified date to prove their language proficiency only if they are currently registered in a Turkish-medium undergraduate program and wish to apply for minor in an English-medium undergraduate program. Students are required to send an email to student.services@ozu.edu.tr by December 27, 2024 Friday at 12.00 to inform their intent to attend the examination.

- Gastronomy and Culinary Arts" and "Professional Flight" double major programs are not available.

Application Requirements

Notification: Within the scope of the amendments made by YÖK (Council of Higher Education) in the Horizontal Transfer / Minor Degree / Double Major Rules and Regulations with the Official Gazette number 32250 dated 16th July 2023, the changes that will occur in the application requirements for double major will be notified by YÖK in the coming days. Updates will be made to the application requirements based on the forthcoming information.
Student Services determines the eligibility of students for double majors based on their academic standing as of the end of:

  • The Spring semester of the previous academic year in case of applications submitted at the beginning of the Fall semester,
  • The Fall semester of the current academic year, in case of applications submitted at the beginning of the Spring semester.
  1. Academic Length: Students may apply to double major at the earliest at the beginning of their third semesters, and at the latest at the beginning of their fifth semesters within the announced periods in the academic calendar. Students cannot declare multiple secondary majors.
  2. Credits Completed: Students who apply for double majors at the beginning of their third, fourth or fifth semesters must have completed at least 4884 or 120 credits, respectively.
  3. Academic Standing: Student must not have any Fail grades (Only the last grade obtained is applicable for repeated courses.)
  4. GPA: Students must have a CGPA of at least 2.72.
  5. Academic Ranking: Students must rank among the top 20% in CGPA among their classmates in their primary majors in the relevant semester. 
  6. Language Proficiency:  Students must satisfy the Language proficiency requirement of their secondary majors, if any. Please click here to see the English Proficiency Requirement.

Additional Application Requirements by Programs

  • Aviation Management program applicants must prove that they have a clean criminal record check and a clean criminal archive record check. Prior criminal record or criminal conviction might prevent entry into airports. These applicants must also submit a clean bill of health (medical report) issued by a general hospital which confirms that the holder does not have any medical problems which might prevent him/her from serving as an Aviation Manager  and/or fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of an Aviation Manager.

    Students admitted to the Undergraduate Aviation Management Program are required to submit the following additional documents in order to be eligible to complete their enrollment:

    - Health Committee Report: Obtaining a medical committee report provided that it has been obtained from a full-fledged hospital within the last 6 months, indicating that there is no health problem (hearing loss/deficiency, vision loss/deficiency, etc.) that may prevent the student from performing the profession and/or the task given in the profession.
    - Archived/Apostilled Criminal Record Check: Archive registered criminal record document obtained from the Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor within the last 1 month. T.R. National students can obtain the document through the Judicial Records Inquiry Form over the e-government system. To create a document registered as an archive, select "Official" in the Institution Type field; In the Document Why Issued To field, you can select "Other". Foreign students must apply to the Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor to obtain the document
  • For the Law Program: Students who were placed and enrolled in a higher education institution in the 2015, 2016 or 2017 academic years must also have ranked in the top 150,000 in the central placement examination in order to be eligible for double major. Students who were placed and enrolled in a higher education institution in 2018 academic year must also have ranked in the top 190,000 in the central placement examination in order to be eligible for double major. Students who were placed and enrolled in a higher education institution in 2019, 2020, 2021 or 2022 academic years must also have ranked in the top 125,000 in the central placement examination in order to be eligible for double major.
  • For Architecture (English and Turkish) Programs: Students who were placed and enrolled in a higher education institution in the 2016-2017 Academic Year must also have ranked in the top 200,000 in the central placement examination in order to be eligible for double major. Students who were placed and enrolled in a higher education institution in and after 2018 must also have ranked in the top 250,000 in the central placement examination in order to be eligible for double major. 
  • For Engineering Programs: Students who were placed and enrolled in a higher education institution in the 2016-2017 Academic Year must also have ranked in the top 240,000 in the central placement examination in order to be eligible for double major. Students who were placed and enrolled in a higher education institution in and after 2018 must also have ranked in the top 300,000 in the central placement examination in order to be eligible for double major. 

Evaluations and Results

Double major applications are assessed by the executive boards of the faculties/schools offering the secondary majors in which students seek to double major. Eligible students whose applications are accepted by the relevant faculty/school executive boards can double major in the secondary majors. 

Application results will be announced on our university website on the dates announced in the application-admission calendar.

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Scholarships and Tuition

Double major students are not charged any additional tuition for their secondary majors; however such students must pay any additional fees required for their secondary majors. In the event that students extend the term of their studies due to their double majors, their admission scholarships will continue for a period of 12 semesters.

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