Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Regulations, Directives and Senate Principles
Regulations, Directives and Senate Principles
Regulations, Directives and Senate Principles
(KAYSİS/KMS-Özyeğin Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Mevzuat Listesi)
Student Disciplinary Proceedings (Higher Education Law: 2547, Article 54)
- The Rules and Regulations for the English Preparatory Program
- The Rules and Regulations for Undergraduate Programs
- The Rules and Regulations for Graduate Programs
- The Rules and Regulations for Undergraduate Professional Flight Program and Examinations
- The Rules and Regulations for Graduate Programs at Higher Education Council (YÖK)
- The Rules and Regulations for Lateral Transfers, Secondary Programs, Minor Programs and Credit Transfers (YÖK)
- Directives on International Student Admissions
- Engelsiz ÖZÜ Birim Yönergesi (Turkish)
- Öğrenci Konseyi Yönergesi (Turkish)
- International Exchange Programs Directives
- Directives on the Issuance of Diplomas and Other Graduation Documents
- Directives on Double Major
- Directives on Minor (In Progress)
Code of Practices
- Faculty of Law Internship And Certification Procedure
- Principles for the Impact of Disciplinary Actions on Scholarships and Student Privileges
- Principles for Modern Language Courses Offered for the Undergraduate Programs at Ozyegin University
- Principles for Exemption Examinations Administered for Foreign Language Courses Offered by Turkish-Medium Undergraduate Programs at Özyeğin University
- Principles for Required Turkish Language Courses for International Students at Özyeğin University
- Principles for English Preparatory Program Regulation Revision
- Principles for Composite Examinations and the Summer School for Undergraduate Students
- Principles and Procedures for PE/BE Coded Courses Undergraduate Students May Take in a Semester
- Principles for the Required HIST Courses for International Students Enrolled Under the International Student Quota
- Principles for Identifying Honor / High Honor Students and Valedictorians
- Principles for the Rights and Responsibilities of Undergraduate Students Who Exceed Their Maximum Period of Study