Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Military Service
Military Service
Military Service
Procedures to postpone or cancel the postponement of military service are conducted by Student Services. Any changes to information provided during enrollment in university must be notified as soon as possible.
- Military postponement procedures are completed as per Military Law No: 1111.
- Students at the age of 22 or above are advised to bring the proof of their military status along with them for enrollment. Male prospective students who are listed in the e-Government system among students invited to the military entrance processing stations are directed to the nearest military entrance processing station.
- The military service requirement of undergraduate students is postponed until they leave university (through graduation or withdrawal etc) provided that they are not above the age of 28.
- The military service requirement of students who are concurrently enrolled in multiple graduate programs can be postponed, subject to the maximum period of study and the age limit of the first graduate program they enrolled in.
- PhD and Master’s students are not eligible for the postponement of military service after they are 35 and 32 years old, respectively. The military service postponement of these students is terminated, and their military service can no longer be postponed. Such students may still renew their registrations and register for their courses at their own risk, but the responsibility lies with the students in a case they are conscripted by their military entrance processing station while they pursue their studies.
- Students who have enrolled in the undergraduate programs of OzU after graduating from the undergraduate programs of other universities are not allowed to postpone their military service.
- Students who have enrolled in the Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree programs of OzU after graduating from the Master’s Degree programs of other universities are not allowed to postpone their military service.
- Students who have enrolled in the Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctoral Degree programs of OzU after graduating from the Doctoral Degree programs of other universities are not allowed to postpone their military service.
- Any changes to the status of students such as registrations, leaves of absence, failure to register, withdrawal and graduation are notified to the relevant military entrance processing stations within at the latest two months.
- In the event that students fail to complete their graduate studies by the end of their postponement period, a new application for the postponement of military service will be submitted by Student Services. Students who do not wish to postpone their military service again must apply to Student Services at the latest one month before the end of their postponement period.
- Students who are required to complete their military service may request for a leave of absence and may resume their studies after they complete their military service.
- The military postponement procedure of double major students who have graduated from one of their programs will be conducted based on the requirements of their ongoing major.
- New graduates may apply to the nearest military processing station to postpone their military service requirements up to two years, if they are graduated from an undergraduate or doctoral degree program, or up to one year, if they are graduated from a master’s degree program, as of the date of their graduation.
- Military service procedures (if any) of international students must be followed and completed by students themselves based on the effective legislations of their country.