Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr



Tuition payments are made during the payment period announced in the academic calendar for the Fall and Spring Semesters as well as the

Summer Session, by selecting one of the following methods. Payments cannot be made to the University via direct money order or EFT.

For the forms of payment for the housing fees, please click here

When amounts in US Dollars are paid in TL, the indicative foreign exchange buying rate announced by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey a business day ago is taken as a basis.

Payment Options

Online Payment

Online Payment via VakıfBank Vinov Campus

Please note that the installment plan option via Vinov Campus applies to tuition payments only. Vinov Campus offers 4 installments for semester tuition payments, with the first installment due upfront. Payments are structured as 1 upfront + 3 installments. The Vinov Campus account is opened on a semester basis, and is not renewed automatically. To continue to make semester tuition payments via Vinov Campus, the specified procedures must be repeated each semester within the announced payment periods.

To make your tuition payment online via Vinov Campus, please go to Debt Monitoring and E-Payment page, and enter the student ID number and TR Identification Number to log in the payment screen.
In the card selection step, select the "VakıfBank Vinov Campus" option and follow the payment steps to complete the transaction. For payment steps and more information, please click here.

Online payment via Debit/Credit Card

To make your tuition payment online via your debit or credit card, please go to Payment via Card page, and enter the student ID number and TR Identification Number to log in the payment screen. Choose your card, select one of the methods of “Single Payment, Installment Plan, or Partial Payment”, and complete your payment process.

  • Partial payment is for payments made using multiple cards. It is not an installment plan.
  • In order to make your payments using your credit cards, your cards: 
    Must be authorized for virtual pos transactions
    Must have 3D Secure authentication
    Must have sufficient limit for online transactions
    Must be available for use abroad (only applicable to credit cards and debit cards issued by foreign banks)
  • Installment plans are available for the credit cards of the partner banks only.
Credit Cards of the Partner BanksNumber of Installments:

IncludesGaranti BBVA Bonus, Garanti BBVA Money Bonus, Garanti BBVA Miles&Smiles, Garanti BBVA Am erican Express Card, Garanti BBVA Shop&Fly, TEB Bonus, ING Bonus ve TFKB Bonus consumer credit cards.

 2 installments
Fibabanka 2 + 2 installments
Halkbank 2 installments
HSBC Bank 2 installments
İş Bank 2 + 2 installments
QNB Bank 2 installments
Vakıfbank 2 + 1 installments
Yapı Kredi 2 + 1 installments
Ziraat Bank 2 + 2 installments

*The installment plans are interest free. All installments after the first one are charged to the credit card one month after the payment date of the previous installment.
**Two additional installments are offered by banks for payments in two installments. The bank reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of the campaign or terminate it without prior notice.

Installment plans are available for the credit cards of the partner banks only. Additional installments (+ installments) do not apply to corporate credit cards. The installment plans are interest free. All installments after the first one are charged to the credit card one month after the payment date of the previous installment. In payments with two installments, additional installments (+1 or +2) are offered by banks.  The bank reserves the right to alter
the terms and conditions of the campaign or terminate it without prior notice. Payments made with the following cards are processed through the corresponding POS systems:
 QNB Bank and HSBC Bank credit cards: QNB Bank virtual POS system.
 Bonus Cards: Garanti Bank virtual POS system.
 Ziraat Bank credit cards: Ziraat Bank virtual POS system.
 Halkbank credit cards: Halkbank virtual POS system.
 İşBank and Fibabank credit cards: İş Bank virtual POS system.
 VakıfBank, Yapı Kredi, credit cards from non-participating banks, and debit cards: VakıfBank virtual POS system.
 Foreign bank cards: Fibabank virtual POS system.
 Single-payment transactions for all card types: VakıfBank virtual POS system.

Payment at Bank Branches

Cash and Advance Payments at Fibabank Branches

You may make your tuition payments in cash and in advance at Fibabank branches by providing your “Student Number and Student Name-Surname”. For the list of Fibabank branches by cities, please click here.

Payments in Installments via Overdraft Account at Fibabank Branches 

Installment Plans via Overdraft Account is available for the Fall and Spring semester tuition payments only. Installment plans via Overdraft Account is not applicable to the summer session.

To make your tuition payment in installments via an overdraft account, please visit a Fibabank branch.

In payments via an overdraft account, semester tuition can be paid in 4 installments. In order to be eligible for an installment plan via an overdraft account, the first installment must be paid in advance. The balance can be paid in 3 equal installments.

The overdraft account is opened on a semester basis, and is not renewed automatically. Each semester, the overdraft account must re-activated in order to continue to make the tuition payment via the overdraft account. To re-activate your overdraft account, please contact Fibabank during the tuition payment periods.

For more information, please find below the phone number of the Fibabank Branch at Özyeğin University: 0 216 525 50 00

Payments via Telephone or Online (Internet or Mobile) Banking

If you have a Fibabank account, you may also make your cash payment via Telephone or Online (Internet or Mobile) Banking.

• Advance Payment via Fibabank Telephone Banking: You may make your advance payments by calling Fibabank’s telephone banking at 444 88 88.

• Advance Payment via Fibabank’s Online (Internet / Mobile) Banking: To see your amounts due or make your advance payments, please click the “Payments” and “University Payments” tabs, respectively, and then enter your student number.

Late Fee

Students who are unable to pay their tuition by the due dates announced in the academic calendar are offered the opportunity to make their late payments together with a late fee by the end of the add-drop period. The late fee is assessed in TL at a monthly rate of 4,5%*. This rate is applied to the past due balance on a daily basis including holidays. Late fees are added to the outstanding balance and are collected together with the overdue amount.
* The University may revise the rate of late fee for each academic year.


Tuition invoices are issued in the name of the student in four equal amounts each semester.

Fall semester invoices are issued in September, October, November and December, while Spring semester invoices are issued in February, March, April, and May. 

To see your invoices for 2021, please log in the Student Information System (SIS), and go to “Financial Information -> Invoice Display Screen” tabs.

Our University is exempt from Corporate Tax. 

For all your questions and requests about invoices, you may contact the Finance Department via email at collection@ozyegin.edu.tr


In cases which require refunds in line with the relevant legislations and procedures (i.e. leave of absence), refunds are made so long as the student has no outstanding debts against the University, and has returned all of the items and equipment the University had issued for his use in good working condition without any damage. Refunds are made back to the original form of payment. There will be no refunds for course registration cancellations during summer school.

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